Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Thing #11- LibraryThing

I found LibraryThing to be very quick and easy to set up and get started. This is a great site where you can create a list of books that you have read and search for books you would like to read next. I really enjoyed reading the reviews that others had posted. There are times when I am wanting to read a book by a new author and not sure if I will like it. Chances are if the reviewer likes the same type of books I do, I will like it as well!
I also found the Zeitgeist feature to be helpful while searching. It allowed me to see the most reviewed books, top rated books, etc.
While exploring the different groups, I did find a few that interested me. One group I joined was Librarians Who LibraryThing. I figure I can find some useful information here as I continue my journey to becoming a librarian!
I think I will continue to check in on LibraryThing, but I know I will get much more use out of it in the future when I have more time to read for pleasure!

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