Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Thing #14- Technorati

Well, I have to say that I was a bit confused where to start when I first visited Technorati. When I searched for blog post under school library learning 2.0, I got zero results. I then continued to search for posts that contained the word "library." I found an interesting post from the New York Times entitled The Library Through Students' Eyes. Wow. Some of the posts were very positive, but the ones that stuck out in my mind were the negative ones. It is so sad to me that some students feel like the library is not an important part of a school. Something is not right with that picture!
After playing around with Technorati, I started to warm up to it and can see the benefits. Tagging your own posts can bring people to your blog to share your thoughts with the world! Like many "things" I have learned so far, tagging can help you become better organized and more time efficient!! (Unless you are like me and have a hard time not wanting to look at EVERYTHING when you search!)


  1. what needs to happen in the library to change the negative picture painted by some of the responders?

  2. When I read this, I immediately thought that the librarians at these schools must be stuck in the traditional “I only check books out” mode. Most likely, there is not a lot of collaboration taking place and the library is not being utilized like it should be.

  3. So many times, I have walked into libraries that are run by grumpy librarians. I can understand why some students do not enjoy the library when this is the case. If the librarian is not happy to be in the library, why would anyone else want to be there? My goal is to offer a welcoming environment where everyone is greeted with a smile. Librarians,like teachers, need to be able to put aside problems and give every student their best no matter what kind of day they are having. I hope to change some of those negative library views, one student at a time.
